Stock Tip Tuesday

Nuclear Energy the solution ☢

Stock Tip Tuesday…

NuScale Power Corp. (🇺🇸: SMR)

Happy Leonardo Dicaprio GIF by Jordan Belfort

Nuclear Energy the solution ☢

Climate Change Simpsons GIF by Australian Conservation Foundation

If you haven’t heard there have been many talks over nuclear energy and how it’s the way forward. 

While nuclear energy is well known for having a lot of potential, the safety risks associated with it have historically concerned some investors;

Especially, after the Chernobyl disaster.

Yes I want energy, but no I don’t want eleven toes and radiation poisoning.

Sentiment recently around Nuclear energy has changed however. For the better. A large portion of this is due to Bill Gates.

Gates has seen the vision.

With the rise of AI and just an every computerized world. There will be a power shortage. However, Gates being one of the many billionaires who want to save the world ( but not really… save it). Wants to fill the shortage with a clean source of energy and the horse he’s heavily… backed is nuclear power.

"Nuclear energy, if we do it right, will help us solve our climate goals."

Bill Gates

As billionaires do Gates has taken the task on by himself head on. Under his company TerraPower he has set up his own new nuclear power plant in Kemmerer, Wyoming.

The plant will be the first of its kind, with the company hoping to

“revolutionize the nuclear energy industry in the U.S. to help fight climate change and support American energy independence”.

Gates has claimed he has pumped billions into the project based in Wyoming. However, it’s only the beginning it seems.

“I put in over a billion, and I’ll put in billions more,”

Bill Gates

It is clear to see the potential of this industry. In fact, many already have. The federal government and state of Michigan are spending nearly $2 billion to reopen a previously mothballed nuclear power plant in 2022.

The facility looked like a perfect relic from nuclear power’s 1970s heyday. Two years later, amid surging demand for electricity and new investment in green energy it’s to be the first decommissioned nuclear plant anywhere to be put back to work.

So, in order to prepare you for what clearly could be a booming billion dollar industry. I have a stock that could ride on what is the nuclear wave.

Nuclear Energy 🤝 AI

Whats Not To Like Season 1 GIF by The Roku Channel

This brings us to the stock NuScale Power Corp. An American company that designs and markets small modular reactors (SMR). An aggressive stock that went public via a SPAC on May 1, 2022.

You maybe asking. What the fuck is an SMR ? Fair question, I was the same.

The best way to describe them is just mini nuclear reactors. Same idea as regular nuclear plant and stuff just produces less energy.

The reason SMRs are popular is because they aren’t as expensive and have less of a carbon footprint. Thus, an ideal candidates for AI data centers and their ridiculous power needs.

The company is developing a small nuclear reactor that is capable of generating 77 megawatts of electricity and recently received approval via the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s (NRC) licensing process.

It remains the only publicly traded company with NRC approval. Which is pretty huge for a small cap stock.

To add to this. NuScale Power are in the running to be selected as the primary builder for Ghana’s nuclear ambitions.

Ghana is among several African nations considering nuclear power to bridge energy supply gaps.

Burkina Faso and Uganda have agreements with Russia and China to build their first nuclear plants, while Kenya, Morocco and Namibia are also pursuing nuclear energy.

As an exporter of oil, cocoa and gold, the country sees nuclear energy as a means to accelerate industrialisation and increase energy exports through the West Africa Power Pool.

If this deal was to go through for NuScale it could be monumental and propel them from a small company to an industry leader.

Regardless, if they secure the contract or not. I still really like the company. It’s moving in all the right directions for me. They are very ambitious as seen with the Ghana deal. However, the company has a solid base in its SMRs for AI. At $8.23 it really appeals to me.

Thank you
That’s All Folks

Thank you for reading. Like usual. Not financial advice.

We don’t own the stock. Full disclaimer here
